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The American Cancer Society
132 West 32nd St
New York,NY,10001,US

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 09.10.12
Web Site | Email Organization | Telephone No.
Countries/States Served: NY
People Utilized or Employed: Public Health
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Prepharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: One Day (1 Day Event)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
At the American Cancer Society, we believe “Happy Birthday” is a victory song. A world with less
cancer is a world with more birthdays - - that is something to celebrate and something we’re
working on. We don’t just dream about a world with more birthdays - we’re creating it. The
American Cancer Society saves lives by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by
finding cures, and by fighting back. We are proud to be the official sponsor of birthdays.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for The American Cancer Society.